June 2019 Newsletter

Please Share the Acquatic 2-4-D Weed Treatment Dates With Your Neighbors

Check the PLPOA facebook page for Updates



Details for Homeowners, Swimmers and Boaters:

Weather permitting the 2-4-D aquatic weed herbicide granules will be dropped over the top of the aquatic invasive Eurasian Milfoil weed beds on Mon. June 17, by Savin Lake Services, LLC.(weather date is Tuesday, June 18)

If Monday is a windy day, the treatment will be moved to Tuesday. If Tuesday it is windy, treatment will be rescheduled. Check the PLPOA facebook page to confirm treatment. PLPOA FACEBOOK

2- 4- D aquatic weed herbicide will be applied where the milfoil is present & we have owner permission to treat.

For those who draw water from the lake for a sprinkler system, the directions from the 2-4-D manufacturer says no watering for 14 days. However, Paul Barber from Savin Lake Services stated that we are applying the same herbicide that you put on your lawns in weed & feed to kill dandelions. The 2-4-D will not kill established lawns, it is recommended to shut off the zones for ornamental flowers as they are Dicots which the 2-4-D can kill.

Resources for 2-4-D aquatic weed treatment - click here for more information about 2-4-D

Sprinkler Systems drawing water from the lake - Every PLPOA homeowner must make an individual decision about watering, however, PLPOA has not received any reported issues with drawing water from the lake for watering after the 3rd day time frame has passed.

As in past years the intake for most watering systems is 75-100 feet from the treatment areas.

Savin suggests NO BOATING or SWIMMING for 24 Hours after treatment so the granules that are sprinkled over the top of the weed beds are not disturbed. Again, watch the PLPOA Facebook for updates.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping PLPOA manage the aquatic invasive weeds in Pine Lake.


Highlights from the Annual Meeting

Highlights with a few slides from the presentation are posted on PLPOA Facebook

  • We heard presentations from specialists Dr. Jude and Dr. Pullman including the latest water quality and weed mapping updates for the lake

  • Dr. Jude reported our water quality is "OK"

  • Dr. Pullman reported Eurasian Milfoil is hybridizing

  • Discussion about the lake management plan for aquatic weeds 

  • Discussion about the need to increase activities to keep Pine Lake’s aquatic weeds in check via herbicide and the need for a native weed cut in boat lanes

  • Both of our specialists rated Pine Lake at an #8 with 10 being the highest rating.

  • Costs associated with maintaining sheriff patrol, weed cuts & weir maintenance, are increasing.

  • The above activities will increase the PLPOA budget which is comprised of your dues collected around the lake. 

  • After discussion it was unanimously decided to approve a dues increase to $225.00 for Riparians, Associations & Businesses. 

  • Members voted to re- elect John Hartwig, Stacy Sullivan, Heath Williams, Chris Viegas and Elaine Coffman board members to the PLPOA Board.


The Dues Increase Will Provide the Following

With the increase in dues PLPOA plans to: 

  • Add a boat lane weed cut of native Pond Weed in mid-late July

  • Pay increased costs for Weir clean-out, which is now 2 times a day in Spring

  • Pay the increase in Sheriff coverage of $3,900 per year

  • Cover postage increases for the Annual Meeting notices

  • Add a bio-wash pre-treatment for areas with larger EU (Eurasian Milfoil) beds

  • Treat the EU beds with 2-4-D on Monday,  June 17.

  • Explore costs associated with a pilot to add Alum to a deep hole to improve oxygen levels 


How YOU Can Make A Difference

You Can Make A Difference for Pine Lake in 2019

  • Always blow the leaves away from the lake. Collect and haul them away.

  • Clean & Inspect your septic field. Make sure it does not leak phosphorous that breeds algae and causes harm to the lake.

  • PINE LAKE MANOR Subdivision, disconnect pipes that dump gray water into the canal from sumps, rain water, etc. 

  • For more information about invasive species click here


Major Boating Incidents In Oakland County for May

Oakland County Sheriff, Sargent Jex Reported:

5/25/2019 - Safety Incident on Walled Lake.  A 30 yr old jumped off pontoon to rescue a baby bird without a life jacket.  She became distressed from the cold water and wind blowing the boat away and struggled to float going under water multiple times. The lake deputy came upon the boat where passengers were yelling for help.  The deputy threw the swimmer a flotation device and she was rescued.


Summer Calendar

JUNE 17 & 18 (weather permitting SavinServices, LLC treats GPS aquatic weed beds (when water temperature is above 57 degrees)

JULY 2, dusk - PINE LAKE County Club FIRE WORKS

July 4, 11:00 - Birch Harbor Boat Parade, everyone welcome

SUMMER-  Dr. Jude collects water samples & Dr. Pullman takes Weed Scan Samples 


Emergency Call Numbers While on The Lake

Lake Enforcement issues call Oakland County Sheriff Marine Division – 248-858-4950

Land or Lake Enforcement issues call  West Bloomfield Code Enforcement- 248-451- 4800


Summer 2019: High Great Lakes levels likely for lakes Michigan, Huron

Michigan is well known as the Great Lakes state. Four of the five Great Lakes touch our shores and we’re blessed as well with the spectacular Lake St. Clair squeezed in-between Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Most rivers and streams in the state flow into the Great Lakes, and…

Read more…


Thank You for your continued support!

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See latest water quality report here

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~ Pine Lake - Yours and Ours to Protect ~