July 2019 Newsletter


PLPOA’s weed harvest vendor, SAVIN Lake Services, began the process of harvesting and collecting surface, healthy, pond weed on July 15. The process took over a week to complete. The good news is, we have an abundance of natural healthy weeds on the lake. Savin cut, removed and hauled away, thousands of pounds of weeds. The area of focus for the weed harvest was along the boat path, for the entire lake. Weed harvesting is an expensive service that your PLPOA dues pay for.

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Invoices were mailed to Pine Lake Homeowner Association Presidents, Pine Lake Country Club, Pine Lake Marina and lake front Riparians last month, June 2019.

If you did not get notice for payment of your annual PLPOA dues, contact your Association leader. Riparians who did not receive an invoice please contact Gary Ludwiczak at glud@comcast.net

Your dues play a very important role in helping to maintain our Pine Lake. 

Did you know that Pine Lake is rated at #8 (with 10 being the highest rating) by Dr's Jude and Pullman? We believe our rating is in part, a direct reflection of the guidance we receive from our lake management specialists.


  1. Weed Control - Herbicide - $20,000 - 35%

  2. Weed Harvesting - $12,500 - 22%

  3. Aquest Quadrant Weed Study and Water Quality Testing - $6750 - 12%

  4. Weir Maintenance - $5,000 - 9%

  5. Sheriff Patrol - $3900 - 7%

  6. Insurance - $3100 - 5%

  7. Misc $5550 - 10%

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Wave Boarding - We ask anyone with boats designed for wave boarding to only use the large portion of the lake, and to stop wave boarding as you return to the small westerly part of Pine Lake. 

We are getting numerous reports of damage to docks and sea walls in the narrow passage between the two sections of Pine Lake. (Interlaken and Pine Lake Road) 

We ask you to respect these requests in the interest of costly repairs to those homeowners.

Thank You!

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The PLPOA Board is focusing on results complied from the November 2018 Survey 

We received 96 responses 

Total surveys emailed 362

Listed as #1 Most Important Concern  

Boater Safety/Sheriff Patrol

Control of Invasive Aquatic Species 

Goose Egg Remediation  

Reducing amount of native aquatic weeds in boater traffic lanes

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Reports from Sergeant Brent Jex: Patrol Services, Marine Division, Special Units 

  • 07/20/2019 / 1602 hours / Arrest / Operating while intoxicated / Reckless jetboat spraying dock / Lakeville Lake.

  • 07/20/2019 / 1800 hours / Arrest / Operating while intoxicated / Reckless PWC / Lakeville Lake.

  • 07/20/2019 / 1855 hours / Assist boater / Upper Straits Lake / High winds broke the sail off a small boat. The boat capsized and the operator was struggling in the water. Was assisted to shore. 

  • 07/21/2019 / 1048 hours / Assist boater / Near Drowning / Williams Lake / High winds capsized a kayak 100 yards from shore. Operator was seen going under the water twice before contract lake deputies arrived. Not wearing a PFD.

  • 07/21/2019 / 1806 hours / Assist swimmer / Near Drowning / Pontiac Lake DNR beach / swimmer 10 yards past the swim area and struggling. Jump Boat and White Lake PD responded. The swimmer was rescued by citizens after calling 911. The swimmer was coughing up water.