June 2020 Newsletter

And Just Like That... Summer Has Arrived!

We are "unlocked" and loaded, Pine Lake is now open! Welcome to what promises to be another great summer of safe boating and water sports on the beautiful Pine Lake!

Already off to a great start we just had a gorgeous and successful Memorial Day weekend families stayed home due to the COVID 19 lock down which made a very busy Pine Lake!

Lake Rules & Etiquette Refresher                 

Safety Refresher for Our New Members on the Lake

  1. All watercraft MUST move counter-clockwise around the lake.

  2. Operational Hours

    • Boats: One hour before sunrise & one hour after sunset

    • Boats may operate after sunset with use of state mandated lighting

    • PWC: Between 8:00 am and sunset

  3. Basic Safety Rules

    • Always remain 100 feet from the shore, boats, anchored boats, docks, rafts, and other structures

    • No wake allowed within 200 feet of any dock, boat, raft, shoreline, buoyed or occupied swim area.

    • If you wakeboard, operate your boat in the larger bay to reduce the stirring of lake sediment.

    • Note there is a large boulder, near the sandbar, that is marked with a bouy - you will want to avoid it.

    • Anyone under the age of 14 years may not legally operate a PWC

    • All PWC operators must have a DNR Watercraft Safety Lanyard in place

    • Do not cross within 200 feet behind another watercraft

    • Never have more people in your boat or PWC than allowed by the manufacturer

    • Please take your trash with you and do not leave it in Pine Lake.

Outcomes of the 2020 Annual Meeting                     

We held the first virtual Annual Meeting on May 7, 2020 via zoom video conferencing due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Scientist, Dr. Jude, reported that Pine Lake maintained it's water quality and made certain recommendations to improve it.

Scientist Gabby Mitzner of Keiser & Associates, shared aquatic weed reports indicating the Savin Lake Services treatments stopped invasive Eurasian mil-foil growth. Click below to see specifics.

Members voted to support 4 motions: (1) bylaw amendments to allow for electronic meetings; (2) the budget with same dues as 2019; (3) minutes and; (4) re- election of four incumbent board members as proposed by the nominating committee. 

See the water-quality report, video of the meeting, power point slideshow and all adopted documents HERE.

Say Hello to Our Platinum Sponsor              

Have you seen the aerial tour of Pine Lake? Watch as Gwen Schultz, lake resident, real estate broker and PLPOA board member, takes us on a tour over the lake....

TAKE THE AERIAL TOUR of Pine Lake >>  HERE  Thank You Gwen!             

Pine Lake Fireworks - Wednesday, July 1 at dusk.

If you shoot your own fireworks over the lake, please remove the debris from the lake the next day - it leeches toxins that we don't want or need.

Gentle Reminders…

If you see a boat incident or problem boater, then video the situation or try to get an MC number and email info to jexv@oakgov.com

If emergency, call 9-1-1. Get as much information as you can to report.

New Research Data Protecting Water Quality

Outdoor Lighting – Recent studies show that night lighting inhibits zoo plankton from eating surface algae causing more algae blooms that kill aquatic life.

Outcome- Point down toward the land and not the water. Use motion sensors and lights that do not shine or reflect across the lake. Aim your lighting down and illuminate only the smallest area of your property.

*** The Pine Lake Manor Beach Association has done a great job with their lighting.

Firework Debris - Recent studies show that debris from fireworks leach harmful chemicals into the water affecting water quality and habitat.

Outcome - Homeowners who display their own fireworks should know the township ordinance allows it a couple of days before and after July 4.
Should your family do this, next day, kindly remove your firework debris from your shoreline.