June 13, 2020 Update

Lake Treatment Scheduled for Mon. June 29, 9:00 AM

WEATHER PERMITTING (no wind or rain) Savin Lake Services will apply the 2, 4-D granules over the top of designated, DNR permitted, invasive Eurasian Mil-foil (EU) aquatic weed beds on Monday, June 29.
Watch for confirmation of this date on the website, Pinelakemi.com landing page, Facebook and another email such as this.

NO BOAT TRAFFIC OR SWIMMING ON JUNE 29 so the 2,4-D granules can settle directly to the EU roots. Wave action can disturb the granules and move them to another area and miss the EU. Too expensive to miss - won't hurt anything but it is a waste of money. Member dues fund the Lake Management Plan.
Intake sprinklers from the lake should be off on June 29 - 30.

Q & A About Weed Treatments

1) When will Eurasian Milfoil weed treatments end?
There are several responses to this question. Expense and research play a part. When we started this process we were told we would eradicate EU. However, the EU has learned to hybridize and this limits the effectiveness of traditional 2, 4-D along with other variables listed below. The hybridized weed beds treated with 2, 4-D, do stop the EU from growing, it becomes distressed, but does not die. Our goal still remains - to eradicate this invasive weed!

Because we are an all sports lake where boats travel across the EU weeds, cutting weed pieces that re-root elsewhere, we will likely not be rid of this weed, however, treatments in the past years have managed to help keep the weed beds to a minimum. Weed scans show us that EU weed beds have not grown in size, and that 2,4-D is allowing us to manage size. 2, 4-D reduces/ shrinks the weeds from the surface so that when the boats drive over the top of the weed bed, props miss the weed and therefore no new cuts can re-root and grow.

There are a few homeowners that do not give consent to treat the EU weed beds in front of their homes so those weeds beds will continue to spread and grow if untreated. Further, as boats travel over and through them, prop cut weed segments will re-root and expand the weed bed.

Some EU beds have learned to hybridize, reject 2, 4-D and survive. The board is exploring another safe herbicide called ProcellaCOR that other lakes have used that have proven to only kill the EU plant. We will be conducting a pilot in 2020.

2) Why Treat the weeds with 2,4-D?
Eurasian Mil foil (EU) is an identified invasive weed in Pine Lake that if left alone, will spread across the entire surface of the lake like a canopy, and cause havoc to aquatic life, the ego system, swimmers and boat props. If untreated, EU will grow, spread over the lake surface and block sunlight that will kill the good plants and food for natural habitat like fish and plant life. We budgeted $17,000 from PLPOA dues from the 2020 budget for treatment and permits.

3) Can we bring in a weed harvester to cut the weeds instead of applying 2,4-D?
Our experts have told us EU should not be harvested because it will re-root and spread. Weed harvesting is not budgeted for 2020.

4) What are other alternatives to keep EU at bay?
The Board and scientists have investigated various methods of removing EU and selected 2,4-D with a bio-wash as the standard treatment for EU. Options investigated with our experts for EU weed control:
1. Introduce weevil bugs that feed on EU. It is very expensive and has not been proven to be successful, particularly in our area.

2.Water rakes to uproot weeds. Doing this with EU would cause pieces to break off, re-root and spread - not a good solution.

3. Lake water blankets. These blankets cover the bottom of the lake preventing sunlight and killing all vegetation in that area. Expensive and labor intensive.

If funds were more readily available, ProcellaCOR is a safe, selective, systematic herbicide for management of EU aquatic vegetation that does not impact native plants. PLPOA will conduct a pilot in 2020. The Board has looked at all of the above and more, non-herbicide approaches and nothing seems viable for our lake. That’s why our lake association uses herbicide to manage weeds. We are not trying to eliminate all the weeds in Pine Lake, we are trying to manage the invasive weeds. Native pond weeds are good for the lake's ecosystem.

Fireworks Rescheduled

Sunday, September 6, 2020 at dusk.
The annual Pine Lake Country Club fireworks have been rescheduled as a Labor Day celebration on Sunday, September 6 due to COVID social distancing. The Social distancing rule is still in effect per the Governor, therefore, the Pine Lake Country Club rescheduled to comply.

See the next article below, about removing your personal fireworks debris so toxins are stopped from leeching into the lake. We will keep you informed should this date change - also watch the website for announcements.

Next Day Fireworks Debris Removal

If you plan to shoot your own fireworks, please remove the debris the next day. New research shows debris from fireworks in the leeches toxins that will end up in the lake.

Letter from a Member...

Just took a spin on the lake multiple rule violations galore. Two boaters pulling 3 kids on tubes - no spotter. Drivers looking backwards watching kids. Paddle boarders out no life jackets and one boater flying around the lake wrong way. Couldn’t get MC numbers.

Given that looks like we are going to have a lot more activity this year and more potential problems can you mail out one page copy of the lake rules?

Pine Lake Rules As Monitored by Sheriff - Updated 2020

You are responsible for knowing and following the DNR State of MI Boat Rules and the Pine Lake Rules
Residents have reported these major violations in the past two weeks:

  • Paddle-boarders out w/o a life-jacket on themselves or attached to the board

  • Wake boards coming close to docks instead of remaining 200 feet from shore

  • Boaters wake surfing / water bladders in shallow water- we ask they use only the large

  • portion of the lake

  • Boaters playing excessive loud music

  • Boaters going in the wrong direction

Laws For Transporting Your Boat

Laws effective March 2019, require all of the following prior to transporting any watercraft over land:

  • Remove all drain plugs from bilges, ballast tanks, and live wells.

  • Drain all water from any live wells and bilges.

  • Ensure that the watercraft, trailer, and any conveyance used to transport the watercraft or trailer are free of aquatic organisms, including plants.

Add Emergency Numbers to Your Address Book

If you see a boat incident or problem boater video the situation or try to get an MC number and email to jex@oakgov.com

If it is an emergency or an incident in progress, call 911 or marine sheriff main dispatch number 248-858-4950

It it is a non-emergency, then call 248-975-9200, ask to be connected to the marine sheriff unit.

Thank You to Our Platinum Sponsor!

Have you seen the aerial tour of Pine Lake? Watch as Gwen Schultz, lake resident, real estate broker and PLPOA board member, takes us on a tour over the lake....

TAKE THE AERIAL TOUR of Pine Lake >> HERE Thank You Gwen!

5 Universal Actions for All Waterways

Reduce or Eliminate Your Lawn Fertilizer - the #1 threat to all waterways is Fertilizer.
Read more HERE