April 16 Update: Geese Nest & Egg Help

We Need Your Assistance

Locating Geese Nests

  • Our Pine Lake Management Plan, under the guidance of experts, calls for controlling the number of geese as one of many ways to protect water quality and reduce E coli. Goose Busters is our DNR permitted vendor that collects the goose eggs.

  • Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order prohibits Goose Busters from using a motorized boat. We appealed for an exemption which the Governor denied.

  • We need your help - please provide a description and address where the nests are located to info@pinelakeMI.com

  • Goose Busters will collect the eggs starting April 20th, which can only be collected during the next 3 weeks. Goose Busters may need to access your property.

A shout-out to Township Supervisor Steve Kaplan for writing a letter on our behalf to the Governor asking for an exception. The Governor denied Kaplan’s request. See Supervisor Kaplan's letter here.

Goose egg next.jpeg

Loitering Geese Usually Indicate a Nearby Nest

If you see geese hanging out report it ASAP including the street address.