October 2020 Newsletter



  • Attention Marina, Country Club & HOA leadership Please share newsletter with your members

  • Add info@pinelakemi.com to your address book

  • REMIND your lawn fertilizer provider to stop treatments October 1 through May 1. West Bloomfield Ordinance - this reduces spring algae blooms on the lake and plant matter that turns into “natures fertilizer” (nutrients) that feeds weeds.

  • REMINDER - Blow leaves away from the lake, bag and haul away - this combats lake bottom muck and reduces plant matter (natures weeds/ nutrients) that feeds weeds.


Mathew Ofiara suits up for the waves - says it's something he's been wanting to do

2020 Membership Dues Drive Pay online HERE or mail your check to PO Box 222, Keego Harbor, MI 48320

A Season In Review

  • 2020 - the year of COVID 19 - changed the way we live and meet - held the first successful virtual Annual Meeting: approved bylaws to allow virtual meetings, approved budget & minutes and 4 board member elections

  • April - Goose Buster's collected 22 eggs and 5 nests to help combat e-coli (means less fecal matter in the lake)

  • June - Aquatic weed treatment was successful, lessening invasive Eurasian milfoil weeds that created space for many native aquatic weeds to grow. Low water levels exposed even more weeds. The board is exploring an additional weed treatment to lessen native weeds next summer.

  • Experienced the nicest summer weather - hot, windy, sunny with very little rain - caused lower water levels such that weir water flow stopped in June

  • Record number of outdoor recreational vehicle / sports sales due to COVID 19

  • July - Record high boat count with 482 boats on our 400 acre lake, an increase of over 100 Riparian boats from 2019. We had a higher numbers of paddle boards and kayaks which meant lots of activity on the lake

  • Due to so many new boat owners on the lake, we increased sheriff patrol by 38 hours and thankfully did not have any serious incidents

  • Two deviant non-resident personal water craft users who attempted to kill a swan while breaking numerous lake rules, were removed from the lake

  • Experienced the nicest summer weather ever - hot, windy, sunny with very little rain - caused lower water levels that exposed many weeds

  • Pine Lake Country Club's July 4th fireworks were cancelled due to COVID 19, first time ever

  • To protect shallow lake bottom and minimized damage to sea walls, established a deep water wake boat path

  • Established a new PLPOA website pinelakemi.com

  • Established the first online dues payment mechanism - making it easier for members to pay dues

  • Established the first Sponsor program that generated $4600 to date, for the ever increasing lake management costs - WE LOVE OUR SPONSORS - PLEASE USE THEIR SERVICES - THANK THEM FOR THEIR SUPPORT

  • OUR SPONSORS - Platinum Sponsor - Gwen Schultz - Coldwell Banker; Gold Sponsors - Lockton Companies, Mezza Grill; Silver Sponsors - Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, Pine Lake Marina. WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE SPONSORS

  • Established Q & A section in monthly newsletters for members

  • Created online storage with google docs for PLPOA documents

  • We saw increased levels of native pondweed that grew where Eurasian milfoil lessened. The board is looking at different timing for weed treatments next season to address weeds - always looking at the most holistic and most effective approach possible

Fall is here. Up next is winter and the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a very cold and blustery winter. Are you ready?

Fall is here. Up next is winter and the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a very cold and blustery winter. Are you ready?

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Questions From Members

Q. What can be done to avoid this from ever happening again? I came close to running over a paddle boarder recently because the sun was in my eyes. I didn't see her until the very last second. Luckily, I was able to veer off and miss, thank goodness. The paddle boarder jumped off her board to avoid getting hit. Life threatening for the paddler and frightening for me.

A. We suggest paddle boarders and kayaks wear bright colors or a neon vest so they get the attention of distracted boaters. See the article below called "Make Yourself Visible".

Q. I understand Michigan Lakes & Streams had their virtual convention recently, can you give us some take away highlights? 

  • We learned there doesn't seem to be any one magic bullet to eradicate aquatic invasive species. There are however many management strategies. Strategies range from literally getting in the water and pulling weeds out at the roots to treating with various EPA safe rated Herbicides. The Board is working with our limnologists for options.

  • There was mention of a aquatic weed harvester that pulls weeds at the root level and then vacuums them up instead of cutting them like other harvesters. This machine has been out for 6 years and could be an answer for shallow water weeds - not sure about deep water weeds OR pricing - stay tuned. It is called Eco- Harvester. We will learn more as information becomes available.

  • We learned we simply need to be more aggressive in getting people more involved so the community knows what we are doing and why - such as having a Webex or Zoom November virtual "fireside chat" with members to talk about solutions, with a guest speaker.

  • We learned the single most effective way to stop the introduction of aquatic invasive species/ weeds, is at the launch site - the cleaning of boats before leaving launch - must educate the community to CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY, DISPOSE.

  • Rain gardens/ natural shorelines nicely landscaped, are not only beautiful but a very effective way to absorb fertilizer run off ... looking forward to having more active participants get involved with implementing a rain garden at the waters edge. See “Shoreline Living” article below.

  • Avoid using "shop talk" in communications - use layman terms

See previous Q & A's HERE.

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~ Pine Lake - Yours and Ours to Protect ~


Shoreline Living Magazine, a resource to promote natural shorelines on inland lakes - Publisher Erin Fuller, Van Buren Conservation District - Topics in the magazine include "Landscaping; to keep inland lakes alive and beautiful, Keep Geese at Bay, Protect the Shore, Attract Butterflies & Hummingbirds, Reduce Yard Maintenance, Building with Nature". View online or request a copy of this all new informative magazine HERE

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Sheriff Statistics Through September

Fatal Boating Incident in White Lake Township

There was a 16 year old year old girl killed on Mandon Lake in White Lake Township August 24th when she fell off the bow of a moving pontoon and was run over by the boat.  She sustained severe injuries to her legs from the propeller.  The victim bled out on the scene.  Please remind your family and new boaters to never be in front of the gate on a moving pontoon boat.  It is also a safety violation to be standing on a moving boat.


  • Non Emergency - 248 975 9200, try to give details such as date, time, boat type, color, MC#, pictures, video, You can ask for a jump boat. You can also email St. Jex jex@oakgov.com

  • Emergency - Call 911

  • If questions or concerns email PLPOA info@pinelakemi.com


Make Yourself Visible

A great suggestion from one of our members, Milda Raney - Paddle boarding and kayaking are wonderful ways to enjoy Pine Lake.  We have seen a significant increase in the number of people enjoying non-motorized water sports this year.  During the morning and evening hours, with the intense sun and reflection on the water, boaters can have difficulty seeing people in the water on their boards.  Please consider making yourself more visible in the water by wearing bright colors or neon reflective gear.  This outer wear has been popular for running and biking to prevent accidents on the roadway.  IKEA and Home Depot sell an inexpensive neon reflective vest for this purpose that would provide more visibility to non-motorized activities in the water.

See details on the IKEA vest HERE

Oakland County Sheriff officer lost an inflatable life vest with sheriff symbol, please report if found.

Rules For Pine Lake

Please refresh yourself on the Pine Lake Rules & Etiquette HERE.

Share rules with other boat members in your household & new boaters.

Water Levels

CURRENTLY - Lake water level is 1"4" lower than ideal largely due to reduced summer rain, high temperatures, sun and wind. Water-flowing through the weir stopped in June. We watched storms on radar, split and half go north and the other half go south such that we missed a fair amount of rain. While many lakes in the state are at flood levels, we are at a low level. Ultimately, Mother Nature is always in charge as she determines how much wind, sunshine, rain and evaporation take place that will decide lake levels. See original historical chart HERE

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Take Gwen's fabulous drone tour over Pine Lake HERE

Take Gwen's fabulous drone tour over Pine Lake HERE

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Announcing Our Newest Gold Sponsor - MEZZA GRILLE
Please thank and welcome new Sponsor Mo, of Mezza Grille, who says "I want to show my appreciation to our customers, so becoming a sponsor is the least I can do to say Thank You." Thank You Mo!

Mezza Joins A Host Of Proud Sponsors
PLATINUM SPONSOR - Gwen Schultz, Coldwell Banker
GOLD SPONSOR - Elaine Coffman; President, Michigan | Lockton Companies
SILVER SPONSORS - Pine Lake Marina and Oakland Veterinary Referral Services
Please frequent the services of all of our sponsors and Thank them for supporting the health of Pine Lake! We are always interested in more Sponsors - Learn more HERE

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Attention Riparian &
HOA Leadership

Did you pay your 2020 dues?
We rely on your dues to maintain safety, Sheriff Patrol, and water quality, Dr. Jude and Kieser Associates. Please Click "Pay Your Dues". You can pay online or mail a check to the address at the bottom of this communication. Thank you for your support!


PINE LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION is a non profit, volunteer organization, established in 1960 whose mission is to ensure safety, informed stewardship & promote good water quality on one of our most valuable resources. 

Learn more about this organization by visiting the website pinelakemi.com
P.O. Box 222, Keego Harbor, MI 48320