August 2020 Newsletter


Pine Lake Marina, P.L. Country Club & Association leadership - Please share newsletter with your members.

PARENTS - please share Lake Rules & new wake boat path with young adult drivers in your home.

To ensure receipt of our communications add to your address book.

Turtle in a sea of Eurasian Milfoil invasive weeds

Turtle in a sea of Eurasian Milfoil invasive weeds


Once again, we want to thank members for not boating on June 29, 2020. Your cooperation allowed for a more effective treatment because the herbicide granules could drop to the bottom of the Eurasian milfoil (EU) weed beds without wave disturbance.

Questions from Members 

Q. To treat or not to treat aquatic invasive weeds? 

A. That is the question we ask ourselves every day! Really, there just isn't an option to do nothing, in fact we are at war with invasive weeds! If we don't do anything and let these invasive weeds grow, our lake will become an environmental disaster with devastating effects on the habitat, Eco system, boat props, swimmers, etc., not to mention property values. Please see all of the options we explored for weed management in question #4  HERE . The PLPOA Board with the help of experts and other resources around the country are always looking for the most efficient, non-chemical, cost effective, approach, but to date, there just isn't another viable option. Small inland lakes all around the country are dealing with these same issues.

Q. What is the process for developing the weed management plan each year?

A. It is a year long process. We hire a limnologist (Dr. Jude) and weed specialist (Kieser & Associates) to test water quality, map weed location, weed type and weed density throughout the spring and summer. We hire Savin Lake Services to attain necessary permits, apply the herbicide by GPS coordinates, and later, harvest weeds - as the budget allows. All three specialists will report their findings and make recommendations to the board in an early fall special board study session. This collaboration, along with the projected budget, projected dues collection result in the formulation of our Lake Management Plan for the year.

Q. If you make a plan and then treat the invasive weeds, why are they not disappearing? 

A. The traditional 2,4d herbicide treatment that we have used for about six years has kept Eurasian milfoil (EU) in check by reducing the thickness of the beds, but is not eliminating it. Our experts tell us that some EU beds have hybridized and are showing resistance to 2,4d, even with the addition of bio-wash, a substance, that prepares the surface stem, so the 2,4d can be absorbed. Our primary focus is on EU beds in the boating lanes. We do not treat natural, native pond weed per DEQ restrictions. The EU weed beds that we do treat, are based on specific, targeted, mapping AND permission from Riparians. Riparians must consent, by way of a signed permission form, to treat weeds in front of their property. If we don't have permission from a Riparian then we can not treat the EU bed in front of their home, which will keep EU on our lake. The Board is always looking for better alternatives. A new option that has been presented to us is ProcelaCOR, another low risk alternative for treating invasive EU. Read more about ProcelaCOR HERE . Invasive weeds on Pine Lake consist of EU and small areas of Starry stonewort with the potential for more as reported by Dr. Jude and Kieser & Associates. 

Q. Why am I seeing more weeds on the lake?

A. You may be seeing native pond weeds. We have good, native weeds that are necessary for a balanced and healthy, all sports lake. In fact, this is good news, there was a significant increase of NATIVE pond weed overall, in biodiversity, which is a good sign. Despite our efforts to minimize the use of lawn fertilizers, in the watershed, we know that lawn fertilizer drains into the lake after a rain and feeds weeds. Pond weeds are good for the overall environmental health of our 400 acre lake. That said, no one likes any kind of weeds when swimming, boating, canoeing, etc. When necessary, and in the budget, we bring in a weed harvester at a cost of $7,500, to cut native pond weed in the boat lanes. We have learned that we can not harvest EU because pieces break off and re-seed which perpetuates more EU. Our experts recommend: 

Continued management of EU Monitor for Starry stone-wort Harvest native pond weeds only if they pose a significant impediment in the boat lanes as budget allows See previous Q & A's from members on the website HERE 

Email YOUR questions.

See what a nearby lake does for weed control HERE

Map above shows treated areas of Eurasian Milfoil in 2020. Note - areas treated are in the boat lane

Map above shows treated areas of Eurasian Milfoil in 2020. Note - areas treated are in the boat lane


o Non Emergency  - 248 975 9200, try to give details such as date, time, boat type, color, MC#, pictures, video, You can ask for a jump boat. email St. Jex
o Emergency  - Call 911
o email PLPOA


Did you pay your 2020 dues? We rely on your dues to maintain safety (Sheriff) and water quality (Dr. Jude and Kieser Associates) on the lake. Click on the image below to pay your dues. You can also mail a check to the address at the bottom of this communication. Thank you for your support!



Experts warn about lake & property damage from large waves and have two recommendations for surf and wake boats to follow. We are not alone, other small lakes are having similar problems. Enjoy this great sport and please be mindful of your wake as it effects other boats, seawalls, lifts, and the shallow lake bottom.

1. Stay 200 feet away from the shoreline
2. Establish a deep water wake boat route that will protect lake bottom, shorelines, docked boats, lifts and other aquatic equipment & habitat.

Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 12.01.11 PM.png


We increased Sheriff hours due to more boat activity this summer. As of 7/12/20 - Contacts with Deputy 136, Tickets 3, Warnings 81, Citizens assist/service calls 5, Safety inspections 48, Total Sheriff hours so far 62. 

There was a swan attack by two jet ski operators. A member got the MC # and is prosecuting. Jet Skiers were renters - the owner has revoked their lake privileges.

water level 2.jpg


CURRENTLY - The water level is 4" lower than ideal due to reduced rain. Lake level as of July 19 th = 931.3 feet above sea level. Wind, sunshine and Mother Nature will determine the levels for us. See original historical chart HERE 

Click on the image above for the aerial tour of Pine Lake

Click on the image above for the aerial tour of Pine Lake


Please welcome and thank Bill Newman, Pine Lake Marina as our new Silver Sponsor. The Pine Lake Marina joins our other Silver Sponsor, Dr. Lucy Henney, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services . 

Please frequent the services of all of our sponsors! Thank You!

Would you like to become a Sponsor? Learn more HERE .


  • Created new website.

  • Created a PayPal account for easy Riparian & Association Leadership dues payments

  • Created a Sponsor program

  • Created a Donations program

  • Created google docs storage site for board documents

Left: A lake untreated with EU.                       Right: A lake before invasive EU

Left: A lake untreated with EU. Right: A lake before invasive EU


Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership
For Those Interested in Learning More About Michigan's Vast Inheritance of High Quality Inland Lakes, A Visit to the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership Website is Worth the Time and Effort! 
Consider Attending the virtual convention on Sept 16 - 18

Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Pine Lake - Yours & Ours To Protect

It's not too late to pay your 2020 dues!


PINE LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION is a non profit volunteer organization established in 1960 whose mission is to ensure safety, informed stewardship & promote good water quality for our most valuable resource, Pine Lake. Learn more about this organization by visiting the website.