Savin Lake Services Permission Form

for 173 Lake Front Riparians

 Action Required! March 2020

It’s that time again!  Every 5 years we need to provide signed forms to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for Savin Lake Services to treat Pine Lake.  To avoid the cost of hard copy forms, stamps and envelopes, we are asking 173 lake front property owners/ Riparians to complete the form online. It will take about a minute of your time.  The form has not changed from previous years.  If you don’t know all the answers that is fine, just put NA as your response.   We’ve included more information below.

State regulations require PLPOA to collect new permission forms every 5 years.  

Pine Lake Property Owners (PLPOA) is gearing up to help our lake quality this summer.  We have once retained Savin Lake Services (SLS) to treat invasive Eurasian Milfoil aquatic weeds, in GPS designated weed beds. SLS advised us it needs to gather Pine Lake property owner permission forms.  These permission forms are required every 5 years and will be filed electronically with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) before treatment.

We ask that you electronically approve the SLS permission form. 

Once you click on the above link, the permission form opens. Type your answer in each box as prompted, name address, mailing address etc.  Click the continue button when prompted.  Savin Lake Services asks for a few pieces of information i.e. lake front footage and well depth if you have a well. If you do not know an answer put NA.  Click the finish or complete buttons at the end and your form will be electronically sent to Savin Lake Services.   

If you have questions or prefer a paper form, please email your request to  

Thank you for your continued support, 

Your PLPOA Board