2019-08 A Season in Review

Because of Your Dues and Our Pine Lake Management Plan... 
~ We had a relatively safe summer of boating on Pine Lake. Boating incident reports have been published in the summer newsletters. (June, July and August Newsletters) 

~ The recent survey told us your top 3 priorities.  1.) Safety/ Sheriff patrol on the lake   2.) Aquatic invasive weed treatment    3.) Tied votes - Weed cut in July and Goose Egg Harvest in April
We accomplished your top priorities. 

~ We reduced the geese population from 75 to less than 20 by harvesting 20 eggs from nests in April (with DNR permit).
~ The net result of egg harvesting is, there were no concerns for e-coli beach closings. 
 ~ We reduced invasive eurasian milfoil (EU) beds by applying the 2, 4-D herbicide treatments in June. Please note - there are a few EU weed beds that we do not have permission to treat. As a result, boats driving through those weed beds will chop off weed pieces and that will re-seed somewhere and grow. As long as we have members who do not give permission to treat the invasive milfoil, it (and the associated treatment costs) will remain and grow on the lake. 

~ Two eurasian milfoil weed beds have been eliminated in the area of Pine Lake road and Middelbelt. 
~ The net result of reducing invasive weeds is protection of our abundant fish and native plants

~ Native habitat pond weed grew as it should on a healthy lake

~ Better swimming and boating with less weeds

~ We harvested pond weed (healthy lake weed) in July in the boat path around the lake.
~ Lake specialists rate our lake at a #8 out of 10 with 10 being the best.

~ A new PLPOA website is in the works. Costs for this have been donated. Launch date to be announced. We are discussing potential for online dues payments, sponsors and accepting online donations for the Lake Management Plan.

~ Dues were increased to $225 for riparians. Dues for subs, condos and businesses were also increased. Dues pay for sheriff patrol, weed harvesting, weir maintenance, weed control, water testing, weed mapping, goose egg harvesting which are all part of the Lake Management Plan, and insurance. 

~ 80% of Pine Lake residents participate in paying dues.  
~ We are a 100% volunteer organization

~ Thank You for your support and for paying your dues!

~ Help Us Promote Clean Lake Water Practices by spreading the word.